Friday, October 31, 2003

I am home, but right now I do not know exactly what it is that home truly means. I am in Helena, back from my amazing trip to New Zealand and I almost feel as though I have yet to leave. I look at pictures now and I find myself staring into them, wondering if I was really there or sleeping soundly and dreaming of some time soon to come. I wonder if this is how all adventures end, with the adventurer sitting alone in a quiet room, swept away in the tornado of sights and sounds, memories still fresh yet astonishingly far away. Do all those who've seen the world on their own come back and reminisce with an almost melancholy sigh of disbelief? The time I spent in New Zealand was unbelievable and while I know I should be looking back with nothing but pure happiness, I find myself getting lost in the photos I took, saddened that it is over. I miss the life that I lead on the road, I miss waking up each morning with a feeling of ephemeral bliss; I miss not knowing where I will rest my head next, what my next meal will be, and the feeling of taking off from someplace comfortable and not ever truly "landing" until the day you find yourself at home, surrounded by those you left behind. I have been home 9 days and I already miss the journal life; the days in your life that are worth stopping every night and writing down, by hand, in a journal of some kind. I am an adventure addict and I am feeling the effect of my withdrawals. I crave the road trip, the overnight flight, the lay-over's and the bad airline food, the accent I just barely understand and feeling so far away from everything I know to be true and safe.

I am home, and I am sure I will figure out what exactly it means. I do not know my next step, my next move, or my next destination but I am sure it will fall into place. Things have an amazing way of doing that; slipping into existence right when you need it most, but expect it least. Perhaps I will end up barefoot on a beach, writing and surfing, perhaps not. Whatever happens, I am ready.

At any rate, I have posted a site with a sample of images from my amazing trip. Any and all are welcome to check them out by clicking here. Just a suggestion, but on any photos that you think you like, click where it says "View Full Size" underneath it to really experience the picture. Enjoy and please feel free to leave comments or email me.