Friday, April 28, 2006

"I believe in everything. I believe in nothing. Everything is sacred."

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Mt Ascension HDR, beautifully captured by TylerKnott.

Looks like Whooville to me!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I'm teaching Miss Hobbes how to give me high 5's instead of the standard "shake." I started teaching her a day and a half ago, and look at the progress she's already made. There isn't any sound to the video so you're gonna have to take my word that she's doing it, and laying down, and heck just sitting, on command. What a good pup. Here is an additional link if the embedded video below doesn't work: Hobbes High 5!

Hobbes Curious Stare Backlit BW, beautifully captured by TylerKnott.

Isn't she cute? She's getting big, and watching the transition from itty bitty little puppy to a real dog has been amazing. I love her muchisimo.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Lone Pine BW Ansely, beautifully captured by TylerKnott.

Trying out a new black and white conversion method; I love this new way, it looks much more detailed and Ansel Adams-ish. Stay tuned for more.


Sunday, April 02, 2006

My golden retriever Hobbes absolutely loves doing somersaults whenever I take her on a walk. She gets a full running start and then dives head first and rolls as many times as gravity allows down the hill. She only did two on this walk, but nevertheless they were pretty good ones. Here, for your viewing pleasure, is Hobbes doing somersaults. Enjoy.