Friday, March 14, 2003

I started running tonight. There is a track down the hill from my apartment that today was nothing more than soft, wet mud. I decided to start running, so I did, and I started my laps around that soft mud track in the moonlight. 2 miles later, I was done with my first night.

When I got back to my apartment, I heard a guy singing in my complex, ordinarily this is no big deal, but he was singing "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For." The way he sang it, at a much higher pitch, and with the emotion and voice that reminded me of Chris Robinson of the Black Crowes, was unbelievable. $5.00 later, I own his self-produced debut CD, and I made a new friend. Everyone should check him out...the money I spent for his CD is going for gas money to get him to the next town; how someone with this much talent can be needing gas money is beyond me. At any rate, his name is Jaik Willis, and you can access his site here. Good Luck Jaik.