Ok, I am going to risk sounding extremely bizarre with this post. As the title of this blog indicates, something has been evading me for quite some time now. For the last year I have been searching for some charcoal gray fabric so my Mom can make a down comforter cover for me. Now, I have visited all the big name department stores, from Target to Wal-Mart and back around to the Big K and yet I have found not even one thing that is remotely close to what I want. "Why Tyler," you may ask, "haven't you gone to a fabric store?" Oh but I have, oh but I have. Jo-Ann's has been visited, and alas, Nothing. Time passes, the desire is suppressed with scholastic concerns, graduation plans, and "real world" ideas....but still the desire remains. During this period of desire suppression however, every single movie or TV show I have watched that has any scenes taking place in a bedroom serve as a giant slap in my face; every single character has a big bed covered in a giant down comforter, with a perfect charcoal gray cover. I am starting to worry that this color fabric only exists in Hollywood, and I am doomed to have to choose between light gray(known as "heather" I found out from all my hunting) or black. If anyone has any insight as to where I might find this elusive gray fabric, do not hesitate to let me know.