Sunday, March 23, 2003
I do not know if the claims are true, I do not know if the video's are authentic, but I feel sick. I do not understand, if this turns out to be reality, how Human Beings, can have such disregard for life. I understand the contradictions that are inherent in what I say, as I have posted before about the necessity of this War, and some disregard for human life comes with that, but this is different. Thinking about those American's caputured, interrogated, and tortured makes me physically ill, and makes me want to cry. Perhaps it is simple naiveté, perhaps it is youth, I do not know, but I can not fully comprehend this type of evil. I can not understand a level of hate in someone that burns so bright that they could videotape themselves stealing the life out of another human. I just do not understand, and I am sick, sick of all of this. I have never seen war up close, I have always been safe behind the soft glow of the television screen and I pray I never have to, but this recent development and stories from old prisoners of war are Haunting me.