I had random thoughts today, I like these days. Today I thought what an amazing invention the zipper is. I can not imagine what made someone think up those tiny little metal teeth slipping together. For some reason, I just stared at the zipper on my sweatshirt today and couldn't quite believe its simple ingenuity. Today at the Salvation Army's new store in Helena I thought that it is a very bad sign when the doors entering and exiting a Salvation Army or Goodwill are the high-tech sensor ones, that open and close automatically, couldn't that money have gone somewhere more Salvation-ish? A guy at the Verizon Wireless store today was very upset about the price of an AC Adaptor for his phone...he had tight jeans on, a grungy dark green tshirt on, a funny goatee, workers boots, and said "God Damn" a lot. I thought he was being unreasonable towards the girl helping him. Apparently he can "find a better God Damn deal on an adaptor somewhere else." Tonight I watched part of the Miss USA contest, I thought it was too bad that they narrow it down to the Top 10 in the first 5 minutes of the show, why even have the other 40 girls, I feel bad for them. I had to get a new cell phone today, my old one broke, which explains why I saw the upset AC Adaptor man, but after getting the phone I thought that perhaps I am getting a lot of microwave radiation in my head from having a cell phone. I hope not. I saw a kid today who had his mouth wired nearly shut due to his braces, I thought how bad that would be, and how I would drink a lot of Gatorade through straws if I were him. Probably just Gatorade, I'm allergic to milk so milkshakes are out. Today, I wondered if people who had body piercings beeped through metal detectors in airports, and if so, are they embarrased when they have to show the root of the beep? I think Techno music recycles the exact same bass line for every single song in the last 30 years, just changes the speed of it, or they pull a Vanilla Ice and add one cymbal smash in there somewhere to make it "different." I wondered today how many people I know have Blog Sites that I do not know about...probably not many, but I wish more would. I thought today how great Mother's are, mine made cookies with little Easter shapes inside them today while I was out running errands. Those were not all the thoughts I thought, I think there were a lot more, but that is enough for now.