Wednesday, March 26, 2003

I watched the Gulf Storm 1 movie "Three Kings" tonight, and man I forgot how great that movie is. Dark at times, hilarious at others, and shockingly serious at the end, the movie is one of my all time favorites. The movie makes statements about the first Gulf War that were painfully true to our nation, and at one point a statement is even made that rings eeirly prophetic. Someone asked what they were doing there in Iraq, what the whole point of the first Gulf War was, and someone responded simply, "Freeing Kuwait." A brief argument about the purpose of the War came out, and the statement that is altogether too Nostradamus-ish, is when one of the men said something along the lines of, "What are we supposed to do, invade Iraq and make a whole new Vietnam War?" Wow. The movie was made in 1999, and less than 5 years later, here we are.

On a seperate note, I hate headaches. I have one right now, and I've had it for the last few hours, and it is driving me crazy. I wish I knew why there was even such a thing. When I get to Heaven, if given the opportunity to speak with God, I will ask him, "God, why did you invent headaches?" I hope he does not give me the answer that my mom always has, "So you appreciate it when you feel better..." because if He says that, I will be very let down.

Now, on a HAPPIER note...HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATALIA!!!!!!!! Everyone drop her an email and wish her a Happy 22. Just click the link above. Thanks for being such an amazing friend these past 4 years Natalia~~