Wednesday, April 23, 2003

This is just a little note to let everyone know that they should NEVER EVER dial any of the 10-10-Numbers for long distance. I don't care if it is 636, or 811, or whatever, just do not do it. I got my phone bill today and there was a charge on there for $2.95 for each of the "Clear Choice" as well as "VarTech," services that I have not used for over 6 months. When I called and asked about these charges, I was told by a lady from India, or Pakistan or somewhere, that I am being charged because my phone line, "At some point" has dialed a number using those numbers. When I asked when, she told me that the last calls were placed in October, but because the calls had been placed, (2 calls exactly) they had to start giving me a monthly service fee, a policy they just adopted. Finally, I convinced the woman she was certifiably insane, and the companies policies were ludicrous...did this help my cause? No. She instructed me that in order to get credit, I'd have to send a letter explaining my claim, as well as a self-addressed stamped envelope. That alone is almost 2 bucks to complete, meaning I'd get a whopping .95 cents back. NO thank you. Therefore I am using this form of mass communication to inform everyone to Just Say No to any of the 10-10 Calling plans. I don't care what Mike Piazza, Terry Bradshaw, or ALF say, it's a rip off.

On another, equally annoying note, why is it that every customer service line, for every company in the world employ people from India, or Pakistan, or somewhere, with accents so strong you haven't the foggiest idea what in God's Holy Name they are saying? I don't care if it's the credit card company, Qwest, or American Eagle, there is a 99% chance you won't have a clue what they are saying. I have nothing against India, or Pakistan, or whatever, but seriously at least enforce some sort of weeding out process to toss out the people who sound like Gandhi underwater. Anymore you have to spend $100,000 on a college education to speak the number of languages required to remedy a $2.95 charge. Ridiculous.

Lastly, it's a beautiful day, and my Dad's Game is on ESPN. Just click on GAMEDAY, and you can follow it pitch-by-pitch if you so desire.

P.S. This post is not posted last night, it is actually Thursday afternoon.