Friday, April 18, 2003

Listening To: "Come Monday" by Jimmy Buffett.

Jimmy Buffett is sliding its way through my eardrums; I think we all know what that means. Ok maybe only a select few people do, so for those of you who don't, it means Spring/Summer is here baby. Today, my good pal Natalia and I went out into this tiny triangular park near where we live and had a great time enjoying the sun. I sported some shorts, sandals, and nothing else...let me tell you it was Heaven. I love the first few days of really amazing weather, when girls are in sundresses, or better yet, in swimsuits tanning all over the place, the only requirement being enough square footage of lawn to lay a towel down; when guys like me come out of the woodwork to show the world their mayonnaise colored skin, Michael Jackson white from winter hibernation. We were both in such good moods with this weather that we even busted out the FoxTail and tried our best to throw it accurately. Did not work so well, but at times a good throw or two was tossed. I highly endorse the FoxTail, it's a great way to waste time outside; not only that, it allows people who can't catch things a great chance at success.

Seriously though, how amazing is this time of year? I always feel like I just woke up from a long nap and I am seeing everything with fresh eyes. I think that everyone, whether they think so or not, has Seasonal Affective Disorder. Which is the disorder that gives people the negative sensations and dysfunctions, both physically and mentally, that come along with extended periods of bad weather, gloomy skies, snowy earth, and lack of sunshine. The cool thing about the disorder is that in 99.99% of people it goes away with the first signs of new life in springtime. I fully admit that I am one of these people, which is why I know for sure that I need to end up living somewhere with a very short winter, and very white beach sand. I just hope whoever lives there can put up with my temporary blinding whiteness that is coating my upper-body like face paint on a mime. Any ladies in sundresses or swimsuits that are comfortable tanning on a towel-sized strip of earth feel free to join me.