Monday, April 14, 2003

Song: "(4)" by Sigur Rós.

Does anyone agree, that quite possibly the freakiest thing done in any kind of scary or horror movie, or any movie with any supernatural motif at all, is when they have a character who stands still with their hands at their sides, and shakes their head uncontrollably with their chin tucked to their chest. I swear to you it freaks me out beyond comprehension. I do not know what it is about this that freaks me out, but for some reason seeing a head attached to a body lurch all over the place like that gives me the serious heebie jeebies. Other things that really freak me out: The sound of someone brushing their teeth...100 times worse than fingernails on the chalkboard, this sound can literally bring me to my knees in pain wincing. The first step back onto a ladder...Don't get me wrong, I'm not afraid of heights at all, I could climb a 900 foot ladder and never think twice, but when it's time to go down, that first step back onto the ladder does not sit so well with me; 99% of the time I'd rather just jump. The feeling, and heck, even the thought of a fingernail cut way too short, rubbing against some sort of fabric...Ahh that one gives me the chills just thinking about it. Watching someone else get cut...the weird part of this, is that I could slice myself an inch deep and not even blink, but if I see someone else get cut it freaks me out. It's not the blood, it's just the actual slice...ex. the scene on Robin Hood where Robin cuts his hand to bleed on his father's grave. Yikes. Old women...there are some exceptions to this rule, but for the most part, old women and other blue hairs really are scary. I don't know if it's the smell, the way they are wrinkly, or the way they sit too close to you when they talk, something about them doesn't sit well with me. Oddly enough, old men I think are cool, and don't scare me a bit. Lakes...lets face it, lakes are nothing more than fake oceans. How freaky is a body of water that doesn't refresh itself? VERY freaky. Not to mention, the lake in my hometown, Canyon Ferry, has an entire town buried beneath it; complete with a houses, old stores, and get this, a church and graveyard. That is wrong. I know oceans have scary things at the bottom as well, but it's still not the same.

These are just a few everyday things that really leave me unsettled. Again, anyone have any others to add to the list, post a comment.