Thursday, April 03, 2003

Ok, on this post, I want some responses, so either email me, sign my guestbook or click on the comments? right by where it says the Date. I will post on my site the best responses, or if I only get like two, I will post those. hahaha.

At any rate, as the title indicates, this post is about what you would wish for if you had one "frivolous" wish to use. By frivolous I mean a wish that ignores the typical, "world peace" or whatever other cliche answers people always give, and goes into what you'd wish if you HAD to wish for something material, or tangible...a dream wish, if you will. Now, onto my wish.

My One Frivolous Wish, if given the chance to wish it, would be for my life to have a Soundtrack. Let me expand. When I say I want my life to have a soundtrack, I do not just mean a few theme songs that go along with how I live, no no...I mean a full fledged, 24 hour a day musical score that sometimes only I can hear, and other times those around me can as well. For example, imagine that I just met a girl, and I have walked her home and am getting ready to say the background some soft acoustic song that portrays the anxiety, romance, and tension in the air would be playing in my head, perfectly filling the silent spaces between the words that we speak. Then as we lean in to have our first kiss a song like "The State We're In" by The Chemical Brothers would play audible to both of us. Here again I must expand. When I say that both of us would be hearing this music, I do not mean that the music would sound as though it would have a source, like some stereo planted nearby, rather I mean that whenever the music was audible to anyone other than me, the music would wrap around everyone, coming from everywhere and nowhere all at the same time. Think of watching a movie, or a television show with perfectly selected songs, or instrumentals, that say everything that words and images can not. I truly feel that music is the most effective tool in understanding me, it gets me excited when I need to be, makes me think thoughts I have never thought before, holds my head and dries my tears when I am sad, gives me hope when there isn't any...I love it. Anyways, there is my wish...I wish for a soundtrack to accompany my life, always and forever, saying all the things I can not.

Please tell me yours, and I will post them.