Saturday, April 26, 2003

I just got done watching the insane movie "Ravenous" and it made me wonder how crazy you'd have to be to eat human flesh. The movie is sick, very gory and gross, but an excellent social criticism on how we all victimize each other every day to advance our own positions, very similar to the cannibalism exhibited. Anyhow, I decided to see if insanity, or greed, could cause someone to do is the quote of the day, based on Kevin Smith's answer:

Knott: What amount of money would it take to get you to eat human flesh?
Kevin Smith: how much of it
Knott: like a steak size amount
Kevin Smith: hmm
Kevin Smith: well if it was a good cut, probably around 10 dollars
Kevin Smith: actually I might do it for free
Kevin Smith: depending on how it was cooked

What a nut. I was thinking about it, and there is really no amount of money that could get me to do it, the only way I'd ever even consider it, is if it was a last resort to survival, and the person was already dead. What a freaky thought though...sorry if the morbidity of this freaked anyone out.