I wonder when somene calls me "one smart cookie," what kind of cookie they are talking about. My best guess is that it's a molasses cookie, coated with homemade white frosting...from the oven of my Grandmom. I wonder why something spontaneous is known as "at the drop of a hat." I wonder if there really are billions of atoms that fit on the head of a pin like scientists say, or if they are just full of it. I wonder what brings April Showers, if they bring May Flowers. What does June get paired with? I wonder if psychics are constantly using their powers on themselves, and if so, do they never trip and fall, or burn themselves, or choke on food? I wonder if knowing something is going to happen like that is enough to prevent it, or just enough to prepare for it. I wonder what the guy or gal was thinking when they invented safety pins, what an ingenious little idea. I wonder if people who were born early in the 20th century are disappointed that the skies are not filled with flying cars, and floating stoplights. I wonder if I will be rich when I grow up. I wonder if I will care if I am not. I wonder what color hair the love of my life has. I wonder if other people cross out each day on a calender with a big thick Sharpie like me. I wonder if the first person to wear flip-flop sandals actually named them flip-flops. What a perfect name for those. I wonder where they got the name "Dum Dums" for those little suckers. I wonder why the "Mystery Flavor Dum Dum" is always either creame soda, or cherry. I wonder why some people put an E on the end of things, like creame, or shoppe. Why do the English add a U to stuff? What is colour? What is flavour? I wonder how many people say the word "Celtic" like Sell-tick, and not Kell-Tick? Why is the Boston basketball team the "Sell-ticks" and the Irish Music called "Kell-Tick?" Would it still be as good if the two were reversed? I wonder how much the rock weighed that Jesus had to roll out of the way on Easter. I wonder how long it'd take me to build a boat. I wonder if it'd sail. I wonder why more people do not sew with fishing line...it's remarkably tough. I wonder if people are like me and they LOVE the sound of bamboo wind chimes. I wonder if anyone else feels the lack of an ocean as much as I do. I wonder when my home will be near it. I wonder why they named it a "mouse" for your computer, I think it goes beyond the obvious fact that it looks like a little rodent. I wonder if Shakira actually drinks Pepsi. Will my wife sing to me at night? I wonder when people will say things like "What's Tyler like?" and the answer will be "Oh he's just a beach bum." I wonder why celebrity girls wear those weird old-man hats...you know the ones I'm talking about, with the button clasp on the front. I wonder why it's called a "rakish angle." Ok...I think I should be done wondering right now. I have things to do. I will wonder more later.