Friday, May 02, 2003

I am officially adding another wish to my Wish List...I wish that I never, ever, ever, had to shave my face again. I do not care what I try, be it waiting longer between shavings, waiting less, using certain creams, gels, razors, heat or cold, Nothing makes it less painful for me. My face skin is not the leather face Clint Eastwood-cowboy variety, you can not light a match off my cheek, and never will I be compared to sandpaper, or a cat's tongue. I have baby skin apparently, and everytime I shave that skin is annoyed beyond belief. I believe that if this wish were to come true for every man, every man would be extremely happy, with the small exception of men who love to shave or men who love having facial hair. I suppose they'd love it too if they could stop shaving at the point in which their facial hair was satisfactory to them. At any rate, this is an additional wish tossed onto my Wish List.

Furthermore, I highly endorse Colgate Simply White Night Gel. I know the commercial with that girl trying to talk with her mouth open might lead you astray, but rest assured, I have been using it and it works freaking amazingly. I don't know how many shades it's worked or whatever, but I can clearly see a difference. It takes only 14 days or something to work, and you do it once at night before bed, then go to sleep. How cool is that? Once again, Very cool my friends, Very Cool.