Monday, May 05, 2003

I have this theory that all of life is based on energy, and this energy flows through everything and ties it all together. Actions, reactions, life, death, progress, productivity, all these things are nothing more than the effects that energy has on us all. I think that the purpose of these lives we lead is to simply divide up, and put this energy to use. For instance, learning a new language uses up a portion of this energy allotted to us, and while that energy is being used, there is less of a proportion of energy to be applied to other aspects of our lives. The tricky part is finding what is the proper division of energy is for each person, and deciding which things we deem worthy of using their precious energy resource on. When I say "energy" in this case, I am not referring to physical energy, or what the human body is capable of completing, rather it is much more of an unseen force, a 'jet stream' of conciousness that meanders through every living thing, from human beings, to trees, to God. I think that only certain few people are really tapped in and attuned to this force that flows through life, and those who do are in constant awe. Whitman knew, Gandhi, Buddha, Emerson, Bono, Thoreau, and Marcus Aurelius all know. I truly believe that I know. I do not say this to sound egotistical, arrogant, or cocky, but I honestly believe I know. When one sees this 'interconnectedness' that exists all around them, everything becomes a miracle, and the mundane, the ordinary, the everyday becomes miraculous, becomes so much more vibrant. I know a few people who know this, and I can see it in them too, it is breathtakingly obvious, we are the ones who observe our world with a careful eye, comment on it with an air of freshness, and fall in love with the moments that constitute our day. Some who read this will not understand a thing I am saying, and shake their heads with disagreement or confusion; others, those who see the world a little differently, (you know who you are) will smile with silent understanding, and laugh inside themselves.