Thursday, May 22, 2003

Here or there? Now or then? Move or stay? Rich or poor? Love or lust? Travel or settle? Day job or Vampire life? Part time or Full?

A plethora of choices are ever present in my life now, due to my recent graduation. With pressure coming from all sides as to "What's next?" I find myself in the center of a swirl of options, yet I lack a clear direction or plan of attack. I am not worried. I think this lack of worry might worry those who worry about me even more. To those who worry, do not. I will take the risk of sounding arrogant, but I truly believe I am destined for something else, something bigger, something amazing. Someday I will stake my claim to this crazy life, plant the flag of Tyler Knott deep within the soil of some unclaimed territory, some unknown knowledge. I can see it, clear as day, I just don't know how to get there yet. So, I don't know if anyone who reads this will actually do it, but I'd appreciate it if anyone and everyone would leave comments or email me with their own personal views as to what they see me doing with my life, where they see me going, and what they think I'd love to do. I want to see how the people that know me best, and the people who are somewhat unfamiliar with me, picture me in the future. Please participate.