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Saturday, January 24, 2004 First off, I do not understand why Mountain Time Zone is completely ignored nation-wide. I was talking about this with my pseudo-sister, Peggy, on the phone just the other night and we both did not understand why our time zone goes unnoticed...Excuse me Nation, there is indeed a time zone between Central and Pacific, we do exist. Have you ever noticed when a TV show is advertised, a movie is coming on, a sporting event occurring it's always either in Eastern, Central, or Pacific time, never, I repeat, never, in Mountain time. We are the forgotten zone, the misfits between the Pacific Ocean and the cornfields of Iowa. Another thing I realized I do not understand came up when I was in the Post Office mailing a few things. Do the employees of the Post Office purposely ONLY put out ball point pens on the mailing counters, just to get a laugh when poor morons like me are trying to write on the bubble wrap envelopes? I can not count the amount of times I poke through the stupid thing while I'm crossing my "t's" or ending a letter, is it that hard to just put out a marker or something? I may as well be trying to write on a strangers back or engrave the address with a knife. I also do not understand why people have trouble when saying a phone number, calling the number 0, zero, not O, like the letter. It confuses me more when people mix it up like, "43Oh, 3zero4Oh." It's a number folks, not a letter, give it the respect it deserves. I've mentioned it before, but I still do not understand the need for a laugh track on TV shows. I think we've advanced to the point as a society in which we do not need to be told when to laugh, when to Oooooh, or when to Aahhhhh, let me do it on my own please. I completely do not understand the whole Howard Dean Scream at the Iowa Caucuses...what in God's Holy Name did he have to smoke to actually think that his insane rant would go unnoticed? Hey Howie, you're running for President, not auditioning for a managerial position at Chuck E. Cheese's, act appropriately. I'm beyond not understanding the concept of white people talking in "izzle's" and "iznits." You are white, you have never been in a gang fight, and never rapped a word in all of your days, get together with Howard Dean and learn how to act appropriate. I do not understand the music that dominates our culture today. With very few exceptions I can not stand 99% of the new artists that are screamed about by pimple faced teens in little boxes on TRL. When did music get so awful, when did singers forget how to sing, and for God's sakes, someone lock Britney Spears away, please. On that topic, when did Marriage become a good publicity stunt? Britney weds to promote her album, Ben and J. Lo get engaged suspiciously close to their movies coming out. What used to be a 'blessed union' has become a really odd way to make some headlines. All in all, there are plenty of things that just do not make sense to me, and I do not know if it is my fault, or the world around me, but nevertheless, I sit perplexed. I am sure I will blog more later about things that just do not make rational sense, we'll see. |
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