Wednesday, February 04, 2004

I bought new basketball shoes today. My old shoes were so worn down my toes could feel the floor beneath me, and I ice skated my way through layups. This, fortunately, has been remedied and for that I am pleased. With this new pair of shoes, I am turning over a new leaf. I have abandoned basketball for quite some time now, pushing it away and only letting it see the light of day in the summer time. I am sorry basketball, forgive me please. Starting tomorrow, I will be a member of the YMCA again, and I will play noon-ball with local business men as many days as my little legs can handle it. I am playing on a still seriously sprained ankle, but nevertheless this new leaf feels good. I can not wait to get back into the flow of the game, and I can not wait to get back into good shape. The shoe hunt was a rough one today, I guess not being in the market for a quality pair of kicks for over 2 years has blinded me to a lot; a lot of really ugly basketball shoes. I do not know what it is, but for some reason gaudy gold and silver streaks, huge soles, full shoe wraps, and even shock absorbers on the heel of a basketball shoe have taken over the market, and I must say, they are pretty hideous. I looked all over today, and right when I was about to give up hope, I found my shoe. It's a little bit old school, a little bit new school, and a whole lot of cool. With the exception of the "cool" part, they are a lot like me. They fit great, and they are my style, completely my style, so I am a happy man. $64 later and the leaf is ready to be turned. Take a look at the beauties that are the Converse All-Stars.