I had a plethora of errands to run today, and getting movies at Safeway was one of them. While waiting in line at the movie counter, I noticed there was a gruff looking, cutoff shirt wearing, dirty pants sportin' construction worker waiting for his cigarettes. This man and I were strangers to each other, two minutes later, we became brothers. In that two minute gap something happened that happens to me a lot, although not often enough...a gorgeous girl, in full on summer-gear walked by me slowly. Without realizing it,(I never realize it) my eyes followed her entire trek from the furthest check out counter, to the exit at the opposite end; so too, did the eyes of my construction working amigo. It was at the precise moment that her path caused my eyes to directly intersect and intercept the visual path of the construction worker's eyes, that the common bond was created. We both followed her out the door with our eyes, and then glanced at each other for a moment, and gave each other the universal guy code for "Damn, I hear you": the sheepish grin, and the accepting nod. Democrat or Republican, Pro-Life or Pro-Choice, Catholic or Protestant, it does not matter, every guy knows this code, and every guy has shares this common bond at some point in his life, it happens to me all the time and I'll be damned if it is not a comforting thing to know someone else is thinking the exact same thing, at the exact same moment...for me, that really is rare.