Monday, June 07, 2004

Ok, I know it has been awhile since I've posted, and to my loyal reader and dedicated fan,(note the singularity) I apologize. At any rate, I have come to a crossroads in my life, one that I knew was coming, and now I need the help of any and all of you that frequent this site. I do mean anyone, I do not care if I do not know you and this is your first visit to Brain Rain, I still need your help.

I am asking of you all, to please FLOOD my Email or Comment as to where I should move. Before you get all trigger happy and start commenting and emailing places like Iowa, Kansas, or any other landlocked states or countries, let me just give you a brief synopsis of what I'm looking for in my eventual resting place:

* MUST, absolutely MUST be on the ocean, there is no bending on this one.
* MUST be a place I can surf, or that gets surfable waves every so often. so I suppose ya'll should keep that in mind so you don't suggest like Greece
or something.
* Try not to be too extravagant, I'm on a very limited budget, but keep in mind that also does not mean I want to live in a slum somewhere.
* Can not be San Francisco, so please do not even bother suggesting...a plethora of reasons make San Fran out of the question.
* This is a biggie, if anyone is also looking for these very same things, CONTACT ME, and maybe we can save ridiculous sums of money rooming together.

So, Please, whoever actually reads this site, Please send me suggestions...I've posted before requesting ideas or help and the response was, well, for lack of more sugar-coated term, Pathetic.

Thanks loyal Brain start talkin'!