I, my friends, have decided that I suck. I have not posted anything substantial on this website for like 47 days and the guilt of that truth is slowly eating away at me. Ok maybe that's not entirely true, but nevertheless I made up my mind to write more on here, I figure I owe it to....well, the 3 people that read this. Anyhow, today I made up my mind to compile a list of 50 random facts, or 'randomities' (not a word, but pronounced ran-dom-it-ees) that either make me the man I am, or fill my mind with thoughts. Hold on tight, cause here we go:
I have a love affair with the sky and I take pictures of her all the time.
I do not think it is wrong legally, morally, or any other 'ly' to "steal" music. I do however, think it is wrong that every stupid Legal Downloading has a different file format; a different format that can only be played on Their equipment?? Are you serious, think if DVD's were that way, and a Sony DVD player only played Sony versions of movies? Lame.
I believe in Love at First Sight.
I think that the red color candy is the best flavor of all fruit flavored treats. It doesn't taste like cherry ever, but the artificial flavor of cherry is so much better than the real flavor of cherry. Starbursts to Sprees, Mike & Ike's to Skittles, red = best.
It drives me crazy that one of the first songs everyone learns on the guitar is Stairway to Heaven. Ok, it's cool, move on.
I hate soup for one reason...I hate that when you start eating it, you get all excited about the little threads of noodles all huddled up on the bottom of your bowl that are at first so easy to grab and enjoy. Midway though however, the buttery nastyness that floats on top, some call it 'broth,' starts to look like someone spilled motor oil in a bathtub and makes the little noodles so damn slippery you can't get them on your spoon anymore. Here comes the choice, do you sip some of the buttery nastyness to get to your remaining 10 noodles, or do you dump some out and start again? No matter what there will always be 8 noodles your spoon can not scoop and you have to dump them into the sink where they will get gross and mushy and stick to your hands when you try to clean out the little drain cover. Ridiculous, I hate you soup.
I mark off every single day on the calendar with a red Sharpie. A big bold X across the day; this is the only organizational thing I do that monitors time. I still never know what day it is though, not ever.
I think Jimmy Buffett is the most underestimated and underappreciated rock star of all time.
I love car air freshners but I do not like how fast their flavorful goodness fades away. I'm sorry but I'm not going to do the whole "keep half the plastic on until week 2, then pull it the rest of the way off" trick. Black Cherry smells best, by the way.
I have a gorgeous girlfriend that lives in Greenwood Village outside of Denver, Colorado; she is beautiful and I miss her more than I thought I would. Her name is Sarah Joelle.
I sneeze when doing the following non-allergenic activities: Eating an Altoid or other 'curiously strong mint;' getting bumped in the nose, and weirdest of all, looking at the sun or other bright lights. Apparently only 1 in 4 people do this with the sun or lights, and we actually have a name for this disorder, it is called Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst Syndrome, or ADCHOO'S ...clever scientists and their witty acronyms.
I do not trust people who wear sunglasses indoors or at night. Unless those sunglasses have purple or blue lenses.
I always thought the word calendar was spelled c-a-l-a-n-d-e-r. It sounds better that way I think, not Cal-enn-dAR. Screw you Webster, and your little dictionary too.
At any given time I will have anywhere from 1 to 13 sticks of chapstick to my name. I never know where any of them are however, so I will ask you to borrow yours.
I think I am one of a very small group that think the white cords on the iPod's headphones are lame. I want my dark gray headphone cord, and besides, the 'ear bud' style of headphone hurt my ears, maybe my earal cavity just isn't big enough. Yes, I know, earal is not a word.
I make up words all of the time. I do not know why, but I think there should not be restrictions on what is and is not a word, who's making these calls and where did they get their authority?
I think Post-It's are sweet, but only the yellow ones, multi-colored ones kind of creep me out. I especially love the mini Post-It's.
Candles, in my opinion, are ridiculously over-priced. $40 for a little cylinder of wax that smells like melted bubblegum, are you kidding me?
I was in band in middle school. I played the trombone for 4 whole months until we got to the 'low note' chapter in the book; my arms were too short to reach them so I had to stop playing the trombone and switch to the clarinet. I never made it past Last Chair, and I would play the trombone part during the live concerts with my little cummerbund on, effectively pissing off 1st Chair through 5th.
I give almost everyone I know a nickname, but I have never had one myself that stuck longer than 27 days.
For no reason sometimes I will speak in Spanish. Little or no regard is given to the fact that the people around me probably do not understand exactly what it is I am saying.
Sometimes, like today, I get such a bad headache that I go blind for awhile. I am sure for those around me it is funny watching me bump into things; what they do not know however, is that if it weren't for the actual pain of the headache, I'd be having fun too. I am glad that my eyesight returns, but it really is a unique perspective on the world not being able to see.
U2 is the single greatest band in any genre of all time. They rocked, they currently rock, and they will continue to rock throughout time. They will be the band like the Wild Stallions in Bill & Ted's that will lead our world into a peaceful future. My children's children's children will air guitar salute them in the centuries to come. Believe it.
I am a Silver Lining Psycho. I will find the good in any crap situation, annoyingly so. It could always be worse, and someone always could have it rougher than you, so smile already.
I will be anyone's friend who remembers, loves, and misses He-Man, Thundercats, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Alf, and Pound Puppies.
I love my parents, both of them equally, and I consider them to be two of the best friends I have ever had, and will ever have. They rock, they are hip, they are funny, and they are always supportive of me, which can be difficult I am sure. Rock on Mom and Dad, I love you.
I do not like how so many celebrities jump on the Bush Bashing Bandwagon like their opinions on foreign policy, debt reduction, healthcare and unemployment issues are so much more well-rounded and informed because they've been on TV or released a CD. I'm sorry but going on tour to promote your new album will never be as scary, as important, or as difficult as running an insane country like ours, so think what you will, but back up off George W. for 10 minutes and try to walk 10 feet in his shoes.
I always have bed-head. Always.
I listen to slower music than most people do. I do not like hard rocking stuff, I like mellow stuff, and I'll choose acoustic over electric every single day of the week.
I wear Van's Checkerboard Slip On shoes, t-shirts from the Salvation Army, and ones that I make myself. It has always been my style, and it bugs me that famous people now spend hundreds of dollars for the 'vintage' look without actually ever stepping foot inside a 2nd Hand Store, or ironing on their own things to their clothes.
I believe firmly that going to class, or being taught how to do something stunts your originality and creativity and should be avoided at all costs. I think helpful coaching is ok, but being told How to do something makes doing it not worth while. Be you and rock at it.
The "izzle" talk made so popular by Snoop Dogg is so overdone. I am tired of hearing people talk about their phizone's, their shizzle's and their biznatches. Please Snoop, come up with your next slew of verbal diarreha for the U.S. to catch, I beg of you.
Bamboo wind chimes are the greatest invention of all time. I love the skinny bamboo ones that make a little bit higher pitched tone, but my true love lies in the big fat chimes that make the low, hollow tone. This, my friends, is quite possibly one of my favorite things on this planet. I am not joking.
Pears are good, real good. At first I only loved green pears, but then I decided to stop being such a fruit racist and try the red pear...folks, best decision of my life. Red pears are equally amazing, possibly more so. Asian pears are also delicious. Try them, now.
I love being around people, I love the company of friends and family, and I love meeting new strangers; but sometimes I just need to be alone for a bit so my mind can take a breather.
Something that really drives me batty is when I eat a pineapple and it makes my mouth feel like I just gargled with barbed wire. Maybe my wussy little mouth just can't handle the acidity of a pineapple, maybe I just think too much about it, but no matter what, if I eat a pineapple, my mouth feels like it is sliced to pieces. Yuck.
Right now I have on 6 bracelets and all of them are homemade. I have 2 leather strings, just strings, nothing fancy; a bracelet made entirely out of duct tape, a hemp and thread one I made in New Zealand, one made from the drawstring on my favorite pair of shorts that reached the end of their lifespan, and finally, one Sarah made me that is just a simple leather string knotted along the way.
My middle name just showed up in that last one and I think that's cool. Knott-ed. Man I am a weirdo.
I think the United States should use coins for $1 rather than paper. I also believe there should be a $2 coin and all paper money should be about half the size it is right now. Seriously how much cooler would our money be if it was little?
Sting was so much better when he was with the Police. With very few exceptions, his music, his personality, and his famousness are just not near as cool as it was when he was the member of a band. Great Sting, you do Yoga, great, you do car commercials...have you done something as sweet as "Every Breath You Take" since you and the Police split? NO. Not so great.
I wish the English Language used cool symbols like Japanese and Kanji for their letters. Then again, if that were the case perhaps I would not think it was cool anymore.
I think John Mayer looks like he is going to throw up when he performs. I've never seen the art of singing look so gross, or so painful. The real brain buster, he gets women. Who knew looking like you are going to vomit could be such an aphrodisiac.
If you take all the letters of my name Tyler Knott Gregson it spells the following words: Trek Long, Yet Strong. This will be the motto of the company I will one day create.
Possibly due to my extremely low body fat percentage, I get cold All of the time. Despite this fact, I wear flip-flops as long into the year as I can, and always lose my socks. Damn the man, um, or cold.
I have a freckle on my eyelid, I have a freckle on my lip, and I have freckles that make little equilateral triangles all over my body. I heard once that when your freckles make triangles it is a sign of extreme good fortune. I like that.
I would die for my friends and family. Any kind of death, it does not matter, I'd do it for you.
I still give the thumbs up sign in pictures. Lots of people may laugh and say "Tyler, that is so lame." Those people would be right, but I will not stop doing it. In my book, Thumbs Up sign = cool. Plus, my Dad and I have been giving them to each other as our unspoken sign of affection and admiration since I was born.
I do not care if you do not believe in God, I do not care if you do not believe in Buddha or Mohammad, or whomever, just believe in SOMETHING, please. Believing is half of the answer to the question of our existence. Just believe.
I look up to my sisters more than they will ever know, or I will ever be able to fully explain to them. Even you McGraw, and yes, even though you are younger than me.
I am exactly 802 miles from where I want to be. Exactly 802.
Wow, this is a record for post length. For all of you that made it through the whole list, I am sorry. I promise to post more from now on...and they will be shorter.