Monday, October 04, 2004

Well it is officially first ever children's book. My mom has been harping on me forever to attempt to write a children's book so my sister McGraw could illustrate it. The more I got to thinking, the more I thought that maybe mi madre was onto something here; maybe it IS a good idea to write this and maybe the fact that my little sister was illustrating it WAS an ingenious marketing ploy. I think a brother/sister team in their 20's, writing children's books for the tiny little youth of our country is a great idea, and hopefully someone else will too.

So, I call on everyone, and anyone that reads this page to please write me back if you have ANY contacts whatsoever in the publishing industry. You can email me anytime you want with any information that might make this idea take off. I am 100% serious about this, the writing is done, the illustrations are already in progress, and hell, we even have a title. Please, I implore you, help McGraw and I get our project in motion. Any and All help will be greatly appreciated and will merit you a signed first draft. Believe it.