Thursday, April 07, 2005

I am a man. I like manly movies. I'm not going to lie, I am a sucker for a random chick flick, I cry during some, and I occasionally use the word "cute" to describe things...nevertheless, I am a man and I like manly movies. As such, I am absolutely disturbed at a little gem of news I heard just yesterday. Brace yourself folks.

Justin Timberlake is being reported as as favorite for the 4th installment of Die Hard. Let me repeat, Justin "Look at my Perm" Timberlake is in talks to play a leading role in DIE HARD. Let's review: Die Hard, one of the most 'guy' movies of all time, filled with explosions, testosterone pumped tag-lines, and Bruce Willis being an overall badass. The movie that spawned a whole trilogy of aforementioned explosions, tag-lines, and Bruce Willis being a badass, is now contemplating hiring Justin Friggen Timberlake, complete with this faux-Michael Jackson act, lisp, and perfectly groomed goatee, to play Detective John McClane's SON. Question...who did John McClane have to sleep with to create THAT for a son.......Oprah?

Dear Lord, Deliver us from the Timberlake. Please don't let a girly pop-star take the place of a 5 O'clock shadowed badass like Bruce in his prime.

Read All About It.