Friday, June 24, 2005

The past few weeks, I've been watching the best Reality Show I've ever seen; this 'show' has been the real life growing up of a family of baby robins right outside my window. I posted the first image on June 10th, of the brand new babies, only hours old being fed by their mama, and now I decided to show you the images that followed those, the growing up of those birds, and finally, with the image of the one fat little bird standing on the edge of the nest, their leaving home.

The little round robin sitting at the edge was the last to leave the nest, and he stood there for 12 hours, not moving but a little, before he finally worked up the courage to join his brothers and sisters wherever they'd finally flown off to. It was amazing to watch this happen, watch the growth and life take place before your eyes. It was sad, but I couldn't have been more excited for the little bugger when he finally flew off.