Saturday, November 19, 2005

Man, since when is Safeway as busy as Los Angeles during rush hour?? Seriously, what I once thought was an affliction that only plagued the blue and yellow halls of Wal-Mart and Salvation Army on 50% Off Friday has now sneakily found its way into the once quiet and, dare I say, hallowed halls of my beloved Safeway.

Since when has Saturday at 3:15 been "rush hour" in a grocery store? Since when has the Express Line had a not so Express line of 50 people, each with way more 9 Items Only? Since when have OTHER people figured out MY secret of renting a movie with your groceries, thus enabling you to skip the checkout line and check out at the video desk?! AHHHH.

Safeway, despite your cool upgrades, your wood floors and organic food section; your new deli signs and your mood lighting above the wine bottles, you are failing me. The last two times I was there, I was denied peppered turkey because your employee was too lazy to walk to the back, and today, I was denied chicken breasts and jo-jo's because you were "OUT!" How can this be?

Get your stuff together Safeway, my patience is wearing thin and Albertsons is just a tiny tiny drive further. Plus, they rock the 10 for $10 at an attractive frequency. You have my allegiance for now, but stop testing me.