Sunday, February 12, 2006

This is for anyone out there...does shampoo expire? I just showered and used some good ol' Herbal Essences for my shampooing purposes when a thought dawned on my jojobastic haste, I failed to realize that the 'poo I was using was actually the very same Costco-sized bottle that my Mom bought me when I moved to Missoula my sophomore year in college some 5 years ago.

My hair feels weird now, is it because of the shampoo that is well-beyond its prime? Does shampoo in fact expire, and if so, when? There were no rank odors, there were no signs of mold or even chunking as milk will do; it smelled sweet, it washed true. (Said like Narrator on "Wonder Years" or "Sandlot")

Lastly, and any and all females can feel free to field this question...why in God's Holy Name, do they put a little hard plastic BUTTON on the end of the string that ties onto the loofah. Yes, I use a loofah, yes, I am lame, but I can not for the life of me figure out why they would put a stupid button on there. Now, when I'm lathering, the little button acts like a renegade whip, slapping my back, stomach, and other random spots I dare not mention. I always forget to HOLD the button, so I suppose that is my fault, but nevertheless, a design error of drastic proportions. Thanks Bath & Body Works, Thanks A Lot.