Monday, February 06, 2006

You know what, first it was the Rolling Stones, and now today, I had a grand epiphany that someone else in the celebrity realm really bugs the hell out of me; that person, is Jamie "Ray Charles Told Me That The Music Was There, I Just Had To Play" Foxx.

First he was in Ray, and I will agree, he did a fantastic job channeling Ray Charles; he looked like him, sounded like a professionally edited version of him, and even moved around like him, so on that note, kudos. That, however, is where it ends. I can't stand his singing on the beginning of "Gold-Digger", not that I can stand "Gold-Digger" anyways, but I still can't stand it. He gave the same trite answers to the same trite interview questions 1,000 times: He met Ray Charles, Ray Charles told him that the music was all there, right under his fingers, all he had to do was play; basically, he never stopped talking about himself.

Now he's a singer, and yes, now he has an album (Good Lord why?), and now he's going to think that he is a new rap-star/singer. Yikes. That means, more talking about himself, more emotional anecdotes about how his Mom, or Grandmom, or sister's uncle's boyfriend's parrot inspired him when he was 4 to be the singer he is today. Blah.

That's all I got, Jamie Foxx, you are a talented actor when you want to be, just please be quiet...or go make another blockbuster like Stealth.